With the craziness of the move and packing, it was hard to get out during the May peak of migration. I'm sure there are a bunch of species I'll have missed for the year thanks to the transition (I'm still kicking myself for not finding the Prothonotary Warbler in Northport around Easter). This past weekend I finally got back out into the world to look for birds, and the first place I went was the very odd Sands Point Preserve right here in my new home of Port Washington. The preserve is along the north and east shore of the "neck" that contains Port Washington, and it has got a variety of purposes. It seems the major attraction are the two castles - literally, castles - that were once homes for the rich and famous. All the land around there, the forests and the crumbling sea wall one might call a beach, show evidence of a more bourgeoisie past. Thanks to time and disrepair though, a lot of the beach is reverting to very tidal shoreline and the forests are in varying stages of succession - everything from Japanese Knotweed to full grown maples.
Here's the list for that day:
Row # | Species | Count | Location | S/P | Date |
115 | Yellow Warbler | 2 | Sands Point Preserve | US-NY | 12-Jun-10 |
116 | Bank Swallow | 10 | Sands Point Preserve | US-NY | 12-Jun-10 |
117 | Cedar Waxwing | 3 | Sands Point Preserve | US-NY | 12-Jun-10 |
118 | Wood Thrush | 2 | Sands Point Preserve | US-NY | 12-Jun-10 |
Species 115 on the other hand - Yellow Warblers couldn't shut up!
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