29 January, 2010

Species 44-48: Early Day in a Cold Kissena Park

Had the late schedule at work today, so I spent a couple of hours this morning birding the nearby Kissena Park. Everytime out I am seeing fewer and fewer novel species for the year, and this was no exception, with only five. Ebird doesn't seem to count domestic species of ducks or geese, of which I saw one of each at the lake. Since they don't count, I'm at 48 instead of 50 species, but hey, who said this would be easy.

There's beautiful light at this time of day, and I got a nice closeup of a Great Blue Heron and the dinner ducks. If only every day was a late schedule. I could spend a couple of hours in the park, log a few species, take some pictures, then stroll into work a little after 9. Yeah, must be nice.

What's good for the goose... ...has nothing to do with this Great Blue Heron
Row # Species Count Location S/P Date
44 Fox Sparrow 1 Kissena Park US-NY 27-Jan-10
45 Red-winged Blackbird 1 Kissena Park US-NY 27-Jan-10
46 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Kissena Park US-NY 27-Jan-10
47 Song Sparrow 2 Kissena Park US-NY 27-Jan-10
48 Great Blue Heron 1 Kissena Park US-NY 27-Jan-10

First Red Tail of the year...

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