23 September, 2008

Science Challenge (E/R version) Goes Birding

This afternoon after school, six intrepid Science Challengers and I walked to Kissena Park in search of wildlife. (Is it a coincidence that all six students are from Team Evolution / Revolution? Go E/R!)

It took us longer than usual to make the 20 block trek, mainly because we kept stopping along the way to look at the House Sparrows and Pigeons that inhabit the busier parts of Flushing. We certainly got a few looks from people on the street. Six students from all parts of the world are not uncommon in Queens. Six students from all parts of the world holding binoculars and staring into trees and rooftops, now that caused a few people to look twice. I'm supposing that no one had a problem with us, and perhaps appreciated that we were taking an interest in our neighborhood's flora and fauna. People were friendly and we got a few "hello"s from folks walking about.

I was impressed with the curiosity my students exhibited, stopping to spend time and really observe something that is around them everyday, but they may not always see. That's how scientists are made, I guess - normal people taking an interest in the world around them. Even while resting, they did not rest in their search for birds.

For a group of beginners, and the casual nature of the walk, we had a decent haul of bird species:

- House Sparrow
- Rock Pigeon
- Mourning Dove
- Canada Goose
- Mallard
- Snow (Dinner) Goose
- Double-Crested Cormorant
- Northern Cardinal
- American Robin

I saw or heard some others we did not all have a chance to see:

- Black-Throated Blue Warbler
- Blue Jay
- Downy Woodpecker
- Northern Flicker
- Red-Winged Blackbird

Hopefully we can go out again soon and see even more.

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